News, Research, Talks & Trainings - A lot of new things happened in 2013. This is somehow the attempt to outline the most noteworthy stuff.
In February we hired Tobi! Tobias Ospelt was previously working
with our team as a freelancer, and we decided to contract him
directly. He focussed on software- and network-security and is
pretty good in breaking your networks :)
You can meet him on Thursday, May 16th 2013 at the Hacking Days Conference in
Zurich, Switzerland. Tobi is going to talk at the German speaking
Hacking Days in
Zurich about "Why IT people fail" covering the daily security
hassle for IT people and programmers.
The Internet-sealife's got a new life-form: Die Datenkrake. Thorsten Schroeder of
modzero and Dmitry Nedospasov of SecT
built a new toolchain for reverse-engineering and hacking hardware
& embedded devices. The project will be completely open source
and being launched in June 2013 during the REcon Conference in
Montreal, Canada. The idea behind the project is to utilize
programmable logic in conjunction with an ARM processor to analyse
and attack embedded systems and integrated circuits. All I/O wires
(there are eight channels with 6 I/O lines) are 5V tolerant
(bi-directional) and can be accessed directly via the FPGA. Dmitry
and Thorsten developed a 4-day practical training on hacking and
analysing hardware. The training will cover everything that is
necessary to utilize Die Datenkrake for hacking: Programming ARM
microcontrollers (C) and FPGAs (Verilog), logic & hardware 101,
passive and active attacks on hardware & busses, using
oscilloscopes and other instruments, strategies, etc. The training
will be launched at the REcon 2013 Conference in Montreal as well:
However, we are planing to let this training happen again in
Germany and/or Switzerland at the end of 2013. Contact us, if you
are interessted in this training - we also do individual on-site
hands-on workshops for your teams.
Last but not least: modzero now officially also got a German subsidiary - modzero GmbH. modzero GmbH Germany is a privatly held company, founded and owned by Max Moser and Thorsten Schroeder in early 2013 in Berlin.